All of the people looked unattractive to me.
Apr 11, 2024
Question from Dennis:
I have started thinking of dating online, and I looked at a website that someone recommended, but all of the people looked unattractive to me. I like petite, toned, blonde women who are attractive and fun, and there weren’t too many of those. Are they all married? How do I find what I’m looking for?
As I tell my students, seeking a companion when you’re older is not like when you were in your twenties. Time has moved on, we have all aged, and you may not look like the sexy, toned guy you once were either. The number of women who exactly fit the requirements you set as a young man will definitely have shrunk over the years.
My suggestion is that you open up your horizons to people you wouldn’t normally date. If you’re online, look for potential partners who have attributes you want but aren’t your usual type. Focus on the important things that are most important for you, for example, people who are kind, fun, and like to do things that you do. You would be amazed by the people you’ll meet if you have a change of attitude. Good folks come in all sizes, shapes, colors and ages!
Click the following link to order the Third Act Dating online course.
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