Many single elderly people feel isolated.
Dec 01, 2023
Through my classes, I've become aware that there are so many elderly people who feel isolated. It had never hit me before since I'm an island person originally and we're a highly social culture. In other countries things can be different, I've learned, and many studies have found that loneliness leads to poorer mental and physical health as we age.
I know it's sometimes outside our comfort zone to do things differently, especially if we've been doing them for decades. But if you find yourself feeling lonely at the holidays, or at any other time, it will be worth the effort to do something about it. You can call a more social friend and say you'd like to get out of the house. You can volunteer at a church, children's home, hospital or homeless shelter. Or you can have a gathering yourself and invite other people who need company and would benefit from it.
And if you're a socializer yourself, please think about including people in your social activities who tend to isolate.
Joining in the spirit of the season, one of loving and sharing, will make us all so much happier -- and healthier!
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