To date or not to date. That is the question.
Dec 20, 2023
A Pew Research Institute study found that half of all women in the US over 65 were single in 2020. Unfortunately, only 21 percent of men over 65 are single, Pew found, thanks to men marrying later and dying younger than women. Across much of the world, large numbers of people are living alone for the first time in recorded history. Nearly 30 percent of American households comprise a single person, which is a record high.
Because of the phenomenon I included a lesson on living options for those who ultimately decide not to date. The checklists and assessments at the end of each lesson are meant to clarify your thoughts about the ideas in each lesson. Looking deep within and answering honestly, will help you make the choices that feel right for you.
Click the following link to order the Third Act Dating online course.
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